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An mostly up-to-date, annually-organized, generally complete list of publications by students, alumni, and post-docs affiliated with the EdJS.  Many of these publications are locked behind paywalls, but scholars are always eager to have people read their work.  If you want access to any of these, you can probably reach out to the author and ask.


Fox, Sandra. 2023. The Jews of Summer: Summer Camp and Jewish Culture in Postwar America. Stanford University Press.

Hahn Tapper, Aaron J., Ari Y. Kelman, and Aliya Saperstein. 2023. “Counting on Whiteness: Religion, Race, Ethnicity, and the Politics of Jewish Demography.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 62 (1): 28–48.

Hassenfeld, Jonah. 2023. “What’s Love Got to Do With It: Reevaluating Attachment as the Goal of Israel Education.” Journal of Jewish Education 89 (1): 75–81.

Johnston, Erin, and David Eagle. 2023. “Expanding the Horizontal Call: A Typology of Social Influence on the Call to Ministry.” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion 62 (1): 68–88.

Johnston, Erin F. 2023. “‘You Are Not the Body’:(Re) Interpreting the Body in and through Integral Yoga.” In Interpreting the Body, 155–77. Bristol University Press.

Johnston, Erin F, Jennifer Headley, and David E Eagle. 2023. “Pastoring in a Pandemic: Sources and Types of Social Support Used by United Methodist Clergy in the Early Period of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Psychology and Theology, 00916471231182737.

Kelman, Ari Y. 2023. “The Institutionalization of American Jewry.” In The Routledge Handbook of Judaism in the 21st Century, 177–88. Routledge.

Kober, Hannah Zahava. 2023. “A Fraying Connection: Israeli-American Perspectives on Diasporic Hebrew Learning Through and Beyond Jewish Education.” Journal of Jewish Education, 1–35.

Schnabel, Landon, Katherine Ally Zaslavsky, Brian Haggard, Ashton Pihl, Amara Chiedu, Aisha Conte, Andy Han, Madelyn Leon, Isabelle Potash, and Eman Abdelhadi. 2023. “An Invitation to the Sociology of Religion: Important Questions Answered by Scholars in the Field.” The American Sociologist, 1–21.

Shalev Marom, Marva. 2023. “Eat, Pray, Wait: The Informal Israeli Jewish Education of Ethiopian Youth Awaiting Aliyah.” Journal of Jewish Education, 1–31.

Tsemach, Ehud, Baruch Schwarz, Mirit Israeli, and Omer Keynan. 2023. “Advancing Group Epistemic Practices in the Resolution of Interdisciplinary Societal Dilemmas.” Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal 11 (3): A119–48.

Tsemach, Ehud, and Anat Zohar. 2023. “‘The King Will Be Corrupt Too!’ Teaching Thinking in Bible Studies.” Journal of Curriculum Studies 55 (1): 63–81.

Weiner, Daniela RP. 2023. “Teaching about Fascism (s): The Relationship between Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany in Italian, West German, and East German Textbooks, 1950–60.” Journal of Contemporary History 58 (1): 136–51.

Zuckerman, Maja Gildin, and Jakob Egholm Feldt. 2023. “The Eternally Rescued: The Jews and the Boundaries of Danish Civility.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology, 1–23.


Aron, Isa, and Ziva R. Hassenfeld. 2022. “Going beyond Zoom to Enrich Learning in Part-Time Jewish Schools.” Journal of Jewish Education 88 (1): 5–31.

Hassenfeld, Ziva. 2022. “Kids Reading Tanakh: The Child as Interpreter.” Religions 13 (4): 355.

Horwitz, Ilana M. 2022. God, Grades, and Graduation: Religion’s Surprising Impact on Academic Success. Oxford University Press.

Horwitz, Ilana M, Kaylee T Matheny, Krystal Laryea, and Landon Schnabel. 2022. “From Bat Mitzvah to the Bar: Religious Habitus, Self-Concept, and Women’s Educational Outcomes.” American Sociological Review 87 (2): 336–72.

Johnston, Erin F. 2022. “Introduction: Interpretive Approaches in the Study of Religion.” In Interpreting Religion, 1–18. Bristol University Press.

Johnston, Erin F, David E Eagle, Amy Corneli, Brian Perry, and Rae Jean Proeschold-Bell. 2022. “Seminary Students and Physical Health: Beliefs, Behaviors, and Barriers.” Journal of Religion and Health, 1–19.

Johnston, Erin, and Vikash Singh. 2022. Interpreting Religion: Making Sense of Religious Lives. Policy Press.

Kelman, Ari Y. 2022. “A Matter Requiring the Utmost Discretion.” STANFORD UNIVERSITY.

Lewis, Tyson, and Caitlin Murphey Burst. 2022. “Touchy Subjects: Perception, Affect, and Self in Contact Zones.” PHILOSOPHY 78 (2).

Song, David Shuang, Abiya Ahmed, Tamara Gilkes Borr, and Anthony Lising Antonio. 2022. “Multiracials’ Membership and Identification Practices on Campus: A Boundary-Work Approach.” Race Ethnicity and Education, 1–21.

Tsemach, Ehud, and Baruch Schwarz. 2022. “Actor-Network Theory as a New Direction in Research on Educational Dialogues.” In . International Society of the Learning Sciences.

Verducci, Susan, and Caitlin Murphey Brust. 2022. “Teaching in the Contact Zone.”


Brust, Caitlin. 2021. “Reimagining ‘Learning for Its Own Sake’ in Liberal Education.” Philosophy of Education 77 (1).

Fox, Sandra. 2021. “‘ The Passionate Few’: Youth and Yiddishism in American Jewish Culture, 1964 to Present.” Jewish Social Studies 26 (3): 1–34.

Horwitz, Ilana M. 2021. “Religion and Academic Achievement: A Research Review Spanning Secondary School and Higher Education.” Review of Religious Research 63 (1): 107–54.

Horwitz, Ilana M, and Sasha Lascar. 2021. “Ties in Tough Times: How Social Capital Helps Lower-Income Jewish Parents Weather the Economic Hardship of COVID-19.” Contemporary Jewry 41: 161–83.

Horwitz, Ilana, Kaylee Matheny, and Natalie Milan. 2021. “Abortion Bans and College Drop-Outs.” Contexts 20 (4): 76–76.

Horwitz, Ilana, and Mitchell L Stevens. 2021. “Reimagining Education for a New Map of Life.”

Johnston, Erin F. 2021. “The Feeling of Enlightenment: Managing Emotions through Yoga and Prayer.” Symbolic Interaction 44 (3): 576–602.

Kelman, Ari Y. 2021. “Thinking about Learning.” Journal of Jewish Education. Taylor & Francis.

Levinson, Tess, Libby Hunt, and Ziva Reimer Hassenfeld. 2021. “Including Students with Disabilities in the Coding Classroom.” In Teaching Computational Thinking and Coding to Young Children, 236–48. IGI Global.

Miller, Jonas, Ilana Horwitz, Sasha Johfre, Andrea Jonas, Megan Roche, Diego Sierra Huertas, Jialu Streeter, Chenghao Wang, Martha Deevy, and Laura Carstensen. 2021. “Effectively Reducing Race Differences in Old Age Demands a Life Course Approach.” Building Equity in Longevity.

Tsemach, Ehud, and Anat Zohar. 2021a. “From Yeshiva to Academia: The Argumentative Writing Characteristics of Ultra-Orthodox Male Students.” Argumentation 35 (3): 457–81.

———. 2021b. “The Intersection of Gender and Culture in Argumentative Writing.” International Journal of Science Education 43 (6): 969–90.

Zuckerman, Maja Gildin. 2021. “Pilgrimage Zionism: The Maccabean Pilgrimage to Palestine and the Divergent Processes of Zionist Meaning Making.” Jewish Culture and History 22 (3): 189–208.


Ahmed, Abiya. 2020. “Between ‘Islamic’ and ‘Un-Islamic’: Navigating Religion at an American Islamic High School.” Religious Education 115 (4): 384–99.

Bemporad, Elissa, Julia Phillips Cohen, and Ari Y. Kelman. 2020. “Jewish Studies in Times of Crisis.” Jewish Social Studies 26 (1): 5–19.

Fox, Sandra. 2020. “‘ Is This What You Call Being Free?’: Intergenerational Negotiation, Democratic Education, and Camper Culture in Postwar American Jewish Summer Camps.” The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 13 (1): 19–37.

Hassenfeld, Ziva R., and Marina Umaschi Bers. 2020. “Debugging the Writing Process: Lessons from a Comparison of Students’ Coding and Writing Practices.” The Reading Teacher 73 (6): 735–46.

Hassenfeld, Ziva R., Madhu Govind, Laura E. De Ruiter, and Marina Umaschi Bers. 2020. “If You Can Program You Can Write: Learning Introductory Programming across Literacy Levels.” Journal of Information Technology Education 19.

Horwitz, Ilana M, Benjamin W Domingue, and Kathleen Mullan Harris. 2020. “Not a Family Matter: The Effects of Religiosity on Academic Outcomes Based on Evidence from Siblings.” Social Science Research 88: 102426.

Kelman, Ari Y., and Jon A. Levisohn. 2020. Beyond Jewish Identity: Rethinking Concepts and Imagining Alternatives. Academic Studies Press.

Kelman, Ari Y., and Jeremiah Lockwood. 2020. “From Aesthetics to Experience: How Changing Conceptions of Prayer Changed the Sound of Jewish Worship.” Religion and American Culture 30 (1): 26–62.

Marom, Marva Shalev. 2020. “A Second Exodus: Ethiopian Jews in Israel Between Religion, Nation and State.” Croatian Journal Educational/Hrvatski Casopis Za Odgoj I Obrazovanje 22.

Salganik, Matthew J, Ian Lundberg, Alexander T Kindel, Caitlin E Ahearn, Khaled Al-Ghoneim, Abdullah Almaatouq, Drew M Altschul, Jennie E Brand, Nicole Bohme Carnegie, and Ryan James Compton. 2020. “Measuring the Predictability of Life Outcomes with a Scientific Mass Collaboration.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (15): 8398–8403.

Weiner, Daniela RP. 2020. “American and British Efforts to Democratize Schoolbooks in Occupied Italy and Germany from 1943 to 1949.” Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society 12 (1): 121–45.


Ahmed, Abiya. 2020. “Between ‘Islamic’ and ‘Un-Islamic’: Navigating Religion at an American Islamic High School.” Religious Education 115 (4): 384–99.

Bemporad, Elissa, Julia Phillips Cohen, and Ari Y. Kelman. 2020. “Jewish Studies in Times of Crisis.” Jewish Social Studies 26 (1): 5–19.

DeGloma, Thomas, and Erin F Johnston. 2019. “Cognitive Migrations: A Cultural and Cognitive Sociology of Personal Transformation.”

Feldt, Jakob Egholm, and Maja Gildin Zuckerman. 2019. “Experience, Space, and Time in Jewish Cultural History: A Pragmatist Perspective.” In New Perspectives on Jewish Cultural History, 1–26. Routledge.

Fox, Sandra. 2020. “‘ Is This What You Call Being Free?’: Intergenerational Negotiation, Democratic Education, and Camper Culture in Postwar American Jewish Summer Camps.” The Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth 13 (1): 19–37.

Fox, Sandra F. 2019. “‘ Laboratories of Yiddishkayt’: Postwar American Jewish Summer Camps and the Transformation of Yiddishism.” American Jewish History 103 (3): 279–301.

Hassenfeld, Ziva R., and Marina Umaschi Bers. 2020. “Debugging the Writing Process: Lessons from a Comparison of Students’ Coding and Writing Practices.” The Reading Teacher 73 (6): 735–46.

Hassenfeld, Ziva R., Madhu Govind, Laura E. De Ruiter, and Marina Umaschi Bers. 2020. “If You Can Program You Can Write: Learning Introductory Programming across Literacy Levels.” Journal of Information Technology Education 19.

Horwitz, Ilana, and Ariela Keysar. 2019. “Guest Editors’ Introduction to This Special Issue on Methodology.” Contemporary Jewry 39: 9–14.

Horwitz, Ilana M. 2019. “Foregrounding the Family: An Ethnography of How Families Make Decisions about Hebrew School.” Contemporary Jewry 39 (1): 155–72.

Horwitz, Ilana M, Benjamin W Domingue, and Kathleen Mullan Harris. 2020. “Not a Family Matter: The Effects of Religiosity on Academic Outcomes Based on Evidence from Siblings.” Social Science Research 88: 102426.

Kelman, Ari Y. 2019a. “Identity and Crisis: The Origins of Identity as an Educational Outcome.” Beyond Jewish Identity, 65.

———. 2019b. “Learning and Learning about Religious Knowledge.” Religious Education 114 (4): 443–46.

Kelman, Ari Y., and Ilan Zvi Baron. 2019. “Framing Conflict: Why American Congregations Cannot Not Talk about Israel.” Contemporary Jewry 39 (3–4): 497–522.

Kelman, Ari Y., and Jon A. Levisohn. 2020. Beyond Jewish Identity: Rethinking Concepts and Imagining Alternatives. Academic Studies Press.

Kelman, Ari Y., and Jeremiah Lockwood. 2020. “From Aesthetics to Experience: How Changing Conceptions of Prayer Changed the Sound of Jewish Worship.” Religion and American Culture 30 (1): 26–62.

Kelman, Ari Y., Marva Shalev Marom, and Benjamin Keep. 2019. “What We Talk about When We Talk about Research in Jewish Education: How References Produce a Field.” Journal of Jewish Education 85 (3): 240–67.

Kelman, Ari Y., Aaron Hahn Tapper, Izabel Fonseca, and Aliya Saperstein. 2019. “Counting Inconsistencies: An Analysis of American Jewish Population Studies, with a Focus on Jews of Color.” See Https://Jewsofcolorfieldbuilding. Org/Wp-Content/Uploads/2019/05/Counting-Inconsistencies-052119. Pdf (Accessed 30 May 2019).

Lockwood, Jeremiah. 2019. “A Cantorial Lesson: The Lineage of a Learning Encounter.” Studies in American Jewish Literature 38 (2): 179–97.

Marom, Marva Shalev. 2020. “A Second Exodus: Ethiopian Jews in Israel Between Religion, Nation and State.” Croatian Journal Educational/Hrvatski Casopis Za Odgoj I Obrazovanje 22.

Salganik, Matthew J, Ian Lundberg, Alexander T Kindel, Caitlin E Ahearn, Khaled Al-Ghoneim, Abdullah Almaatouq, Drew M Altschul, Jennie E Brand, Nicole Bohme Carnegie, and Ryan James Compton. 2020. “Measuring the Predictability of Life Outcomes with a Scientific Mass Collaboration.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (15): 8398–8403.

Weiner, Daniela RP. 2020. “American and British Efforts to Democratize Schoolbooks in Occupied Italy and Germany from 1943 to 1949.” Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society 12 (1): 121–45.

Zuckerman, Maja Gildin. 2019a. “Early Danish Zionism and the Ethnification of the Danish Jews.” Journal of Israeli History 37 (2): 157–79.

———. 2019b. “En Route to Palestine: Jewish Mobility and Zionist Emergence.” In New Perspectives on Jewish Cultural History, 27–53. Routledge.

Zuckerman, Maja Gildin, and Jakob Egholm Feldt. 2019. New Perspectives on Jewish Cultural History: Boundaries, Experiences, and Sensemaking. Routledge.


Ahmed, Abiya. 2018. “‘ Fake News’ and" Retweets": News Reporting and Dissemination Ethics in the Qur’ān.” Journal of Islamic and Muslim Studies 3 (2): 61–84.

Fox, Sandra F. 2018. “Tisha B’Av,‘Ghetto Day,’ and Producing ‘Authentic’ Jews at Postwar Jewish Summer Camps.” Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 17 (2): 156–72.

Hassenfeld, Jonah. 2018. “Landscapes of Collective Belonging: Jewish Americans Narrate the History of Israel after an Organized Tour.” Journal of Jewish Education 84 (2): 131–60.

Hassenfeld, Ziva R. 2018. “Putting Students Front and Center in the Hebrew Bible Classroom: Inquiry-Oriented Pedagogy in the Orthodox and Liberal Classroom.” Journal of Jewish Education 84 (1): 4–31.

Kelman, Ari Y. 2018a. “Learning about Learning in Jewish Education.” Advancing the Learning Agenda in Jewish Education, 53.

———. 2018b. “Learning History Through Culture: The Krakow Jewish Festival.” In Teaching and Learning the Difficult Past, 274–89. Routledge.

———. 2018c. “Shout to the Lord.” In Shout to the Lord. New York University Press.

Kelman, Ari Y., and Janet Bordelon. 2018. “The Political Economy of Day Schools.” American Jewish History 102 (1): 59–84.

Kelman, Ari Y., Tony Michels, and Riv-Ellen Prell. 2018. “Introduction, The Jewish 1968 and Its Legacies.” American Jewish History 102 (1): 1–4.

Weiner, Daniela RP. 2018. “Tendentious Texts: Holocaust Representations and Nation-Rebuilding in East German, Italian, and West German Schoolbooks, 1949–1989.” Journal of Modern Jewish Studies 17 (3): 342–60.


Fox, Sandra. 2017. “Serious Fun at Jewish Community Summer Camp: Family, Judaism, and Israel.”

Gross, Magdalena H., and Ari Y. Kelman. 2017. “Encountering the Past in the Present: An Exploratory Study of Educational Heritage Tourism.” International Review of Education 63: 51–70.

Hassenfeld, Ziva R. 2017. “Teaching Sacred Texts in the Classroom: The Pedagogy of Transmission and the Pedagogy of Interpretive Facilitation.” Journal of Jewish Education 83 (4): 339–66.

Johnston, Erin F. 2017. “Failing to Learn, or Learning to Fail? Accounting for Persistence in the Acquisition of Spiritual Disciplines.” Qualitative Sociology 40: 353–72.

Kelman, Ari Y., Tobin Belzer, Ziva Hassenfeld, Ilana Horwitz, and Matthew Casey Williams. 2017. “The Social Self: Toward the Study of Jewish Lives in the Twenty-First Century.” Contemporary Jewry 37: 53–79.

Kelman, Ari Y., Tobin Belzer, Ilana Horwitz, Ziva Hassenfeld, and Matt Williams. 2017. “Traditional Judaism: The Conceptualization of Jewishness in the Lives of American Jewish Post-Boomers.” Jewish Social Studies 23 (1): 134–67.


Hassenfeld, Jonah. 2016. “Negotiating Critical Analysis and Collective Belonging: Jewish American Students Write the History of Israel.” Contemporary Jewry 36: 55–84.

Hassenfeld, Ziva R. 2016. “Reading Sacred Texts in the Classroom: The Alignment between Students and Their Teacher’s Interpretive Stances When Reading the Hebrew Bible.” Journal of Jewish Education 82 (1): 81–107.

Johnston, Erin. 2016. “The Enlightened Self: Identity and Aspiration in Two Communities of Practice.” Religions 7 (7): 92.

Kelman, Ari Y., and Shaul Magid. 2016. “The Gate to the Village: Shlomo Carlebach and the Creation of American Jewish ‘Folk.’” American Jewish History 100 (4): 511–40.

Kelman, Ari Y., and Zoe Wolford. 2016. “Learning across Church and State: Student Experience of a Released Time Program.” Religious Education 111 (1): 49–74.

2015 (and earlier)

Aron, Isa, Steven M. Cohen, Lawrence A. Hoffman, and Ari Y. Kelman. 2010. Sacred Strategies: Transforming Synagogues from Functional to Visionary. Rowman & Littlefield.

Cohen, Steven M., Caryn Aviv, and Ari Y. Kelman. 2009. “Gay, Jewish, or Both?” Journal of Jewish Communal Service 84 (1/2): 154–66.

Cohen, Steven M., and Ari Y. Kelman. 2005. “Cultural Events and Jewish Identities: Young Adult Jew in New York.”

———. 2010a. “Distancing Is Closer than Ever.” Contemporary Jewry 30: 145–48.

———. 2010b. “Thinking about Distancing from Israel.” Contemporary Jewry 30: 287–96.

Geiser, Kristin E, Ilana M Horwitz, and Amy Gerstein. 2013. “Improving the Quality and Continuity of Practice across Early Childhood Education and Elementary Community School Settings.” Research Brief, John W. Gardner Center for Youth and Their Communities Stanford Graduate School of Education, Stanford, Californie.

Johnston, Erin. 2013. “Mapping Religion and Spirituality in a Postsecular World.”

Johnston, Erin F. 2013. “‘I Was Always This Way…’: Rhetorics of Continuity in Narratives of Conversion.” In , 28:549–73. Wiley Online Library.

Kelman, Ari Y. 2006. “The Acoustic Culture of Yiddish.” Shofar, 127–51.

———. 2009. Station Identification: A Cultural History of Yiddish Radio in the United States. Univ of California Press.

———. 2010. “Rethinking the Soundscape: A Critical Genealogy of a Key Term in Sound Studies.” The Senses and Society 5 (2): 212–34.

———. 2012a. “The Dismal Jewish Social Science.” Contemporary Jewry 32 (1): 103–7.

———. 2012b. “The End of Identity?” Contemporary Jewry 32 (2): 209–11.

———. 2012c. “The Present in Future Tense.” Journal of Jewish Education 78 (4): 302–4.

———. 2014a. “A Policy of Surveys.” In American Jewish Year Book 2014: The Annual Record of the North American Jewish Communities, 57–59. Springer.

———. 2014b. “Reading a Book Like an Object: The Case of ‘The Jewish Catalog.’” Thinking Jewish Culture in America, 109–30.

Kelman, Ari Y., and Steven M. Cohen. 2007. “Beyond Distancing: Young Adult American Jews and Their Alienation from Israel.”

———. 2008. “Uncoupled: How Our Singles Are Reshaping Jewish Engagement.”

Kelman, Ari Y., Jeffrey R. Solomon, Roger Bennett, and Steven M. Cohen. 2007. “The Continuity of Discontinuity: How Young Jews Are Connecting, Creating, and Organizing Their Own Jewish Lives.”

Zhou, Chengchao, Sean Sylvia, Linxiu Zhang, Renfu Luo, Hongmei Yi, Chengfang Liu, Yaojiang Shi, Prashant Loyalka, James Chu, and Alexis Medina. 2015. “China’s Left-behind Children: Impact of Parental Migration on Health, Nutrition, and Educational Outcomes.” Health Affairs 34 (11): 1964–71.

Zuckerman, Maja Gildin. 2015. “Palæstina Tur/Retur-Dansk Zionismes Palæstina-Rødder.” Rambam. Tidsskrift for Jødisk Kultur Og Forskning 24.